Lancaster City Democrats Endorse in Key Lancaster City, SDOL Races

Last evening at its annual endorsement convention, members of the Lancaster City Democratic Committee voted to endorse the following candidates in the 2021 primary election: 

Danene Sorace

City Council
Lochard Calixte
Faith Craig
Ismail Smith-Wade-El

Vincent Derek Smith

James Reichenbach

Magisterial District Judge (02-1-01)
Adam Witkonis

Sixth Ward Constable
Jeff Hatfield

In addition, a joint meeting the Lancaster City and the Lancaster Township Democratic Committees voted to endorse the following candidates for the School District of Lancaster Board of Directors:

Mara Cresswell McGrann
Jennifer Eaton
Molly Henderson
Luis Morales
David Parry

About the Lancaster City Democrats
The Lancaster City Democrats work to build a strong Democratic community, to recruit and elect strong Democratic candidates, and to advance the principles of the Democratic Party within the City of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.