Arroyo, Bakay, and Garcia-Molina newest members of City Council

Arroyo, Bakay, and Garcia-Molina

Arroyo, Bakay, and Garcia-Molina

Lancaster, PA — This evening Jaime Arroyo, Amanda Bakay, and Xavier Garcia-Molina were inaugurated as the newest members of Lancaster City Council. All three were supported by the Lancaster City Democrats in the 2019 election cycle.

Jaime Arroyo, 31, is Managing Partner of Work Wisdom. He previously worked as Director of Impact Investment at ASSETS, where he coached and advised small business owners, specifically women, immigrants, people of color, and enterprisers who benefit the larger community.

Amanda Bakay, 36, is Director of Operations at the Lancaster Science Factory. She also brings a decade of experience in the banking industry, where she helped people buy their first cars, first homes, and start businesses. She also serves on the Board of Directors of the Lancaster City Human Relations Commission.

Xavier Garcia-Molina, 25, has dedicated his life to serving our city. After college he started his professional career as a refugee Resettlement Case Manager with Church World Service (CWS), where he realized his love of serving the community. Since then, every role that he has served in has directly involved fellow community members.

“It’s thrilling to see these three energetic individuals seated on City Council,” said Diane Topakian, Chair of the Lancaster City Democrats. “We look forward to seeing these progressive Democrats’ impact on the community.”

Arroyo, Bakay, and Garcia-Molina take the seats vacated by fellow Democrats Chris Ballentine, John Graupera, and James Reichenbach, who are departing Council after a combined 26 years of service.

About the Lancaster City Democrats
The Lancaster City Democrats work to build a strong Democratic community, to recruit and elect strong Democratic candidates, and to advance the principles of the Democratic Party within the City of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
